The Nevada State PTA Standards of Affiliation is a policy that defines the relationship between the constituent units and Nevada PTA, including what Nevada PTA will provide to those associations. The policy sets the standards for a successful constituent unit association; protects the Nevada PTA and National PTA name, identity, and brand; and ensures that all will be treated fairly and equally.
The SOA is in place to ensure units align all communications and actions with Nevada PTA’s vision, mission, values, and policies and to comply with applicable federal laws. In addition, units shall support the current Nevada PTA legislative and advocacy priorities and only take public positions which are consistent with adopted Nevada PTA positions and resolutions.
Nevada PTA recognizes its responsibility to preserve the reputation and trust of the PTA brand through support of its units in the state.
Please contact with questions or concerns.
Standards for Continued Affiliation with Nevada PTA
Background: Local PTAs fall under the corporation of Nevada PTA and, as such, must abide by the outlined standards to maintain their affiliation with Nevada PTA and National PTA. As a 501(c)(3), there are many requirements placed on the association by the IRS; therefore, Nevada PTA has a duty of care and responsibility to ensure local PTAs adhere to those requirements.
Nevada PTA’s staff and the Leadership Vice President shall be responsible for monitoring compliance of all PTAs. The Region Director or councils shall do a monthly review of the unit status and make monthly contact with local PTAs that are not in good standing and offer assistance for bringing them into good standing.
In the event that a local PTA fails to meet the minimum standards for units in good standing, that PTA will be notified in writing of the intent to revoke the PTA’s charter with Nevada PTA. If the local PTA is affiliated with a school, that school’s administration will be copied on the written notice of revocation.
Units in Good Standing:
1. Adhere to the purposes and basic policies of PTA.
PTA’s mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
2. Submit required records electronically using unit Givebacks NO LATER THAN September 30th.
Officers’ Roster: Submit names and addresses of newly elected officers within 10 days of the election, but no later than June 15 in Givebacks.
Dues: Enter membership and remit dues to Nevada PTA on a monthly basis in Givebacks (PTAs must have at least 10 members to operate). The first submission is due no later than September 30th.
Insurance: PTA’s must maintain coverage and pay bill in timely manner.
Policies run November 1 – November 1. Look for invoice in email the first week of September. Click here for AIM Insurance
Financial Review: Complete at end of fiscal year (6/30) and if transitioning Treasurer. Click here to sign in for instructions through the Nation PTA Local Leaders Kit.
Budget: Submit a copy of the current approved PTA Budget to Nevada PTA in Givebacks by September 30. A sample budget can be found here through the National PTA Local Leaders Kit.
Taxes: Submit a copy of IRS Form 990, 990 EZ or 990-N e-postcard to Nevada PTA in Givebacks by September 30. We suggest you complete your taxes as part of your Financial Review. IRS instructions here.
Bylaws: Have bylaws updated to most recent template and uploaded to Givebacks, reviewed and approved by Nevada PTA at least every three (3) years. Click here for bylaws submission procedure.
3. Training: Have the president and treasurer attend training every year by September 30th, Presidents and treasurers elected after September 30th must be trained within 30 days of taking office.
Sign up at for the Local Leader Kit.
All officers complete role specific required courses in Thrive.
4. Comply with IRS regulations governing 501(c)(3) organizations. IRS info here.
5. Make all records of the local PTA available to a Nevada PTA representative upon request
Benefits of Compliance with Standards
Access to Nevada PTA and National PTA programs; use of PTA materials and attendance at PTA events,
Maintain the PTA’s 501(c)(3) designation
Use of service marks (including PTA® and PTSA® in conjunction with the name of the local PTA
Participation in awards programs at state and national levels. Eligible for grants and program participation funds
Send voting delegates to Nevada PTA and National PTA annual conventions; submit resolutions, amendments to Nevada PTA bylaws.
Please contact with questions or concerns.